Why work with Ayahuasca?

With many all over the world turning to alternative and natural treatments, there is an increasing interest in ayahuasca and its benefits. Perhaps you’ve been feeling a deep calling to work with this plant spirit, or maybe you are simply curious about Ayahuasca holistic healing capabilities and what this experience entails.
Ayahuasca is not a magic bullet that will solve all your problems, although, often problem solving does happen, especially in your commitment to integration. This medicine, and our retreat program will provide you with tools which empower you to be your own healer, Ayahuasca can guide you and show you the way, but it’s up to take action and consciously create your reality. With pure intentions and a sincere heartfelt commitment to using these sacred medicines and modalities as ally's there is so much potential for healing and transformation. 

As interest in alternative and natural treatments grows worldwide, Ayahuasca is increasingly capturing attention for its potential benefits. Perhaps you’ve been feeling a deep calling to work with this plant spirit, or maybe you are simply curious about Ayahuasca holistic healing capabilities and what this experience entails.

The healing potential of Ayahuasca

Unhealthy Patterns, Habits or Addictions

It can be challenging for people to overcome unhealthy patterns and addictions. When working with ayahuasca in this area the intention is for the person to let go of the ties linked towards that pattern or addiction. Addition is a solution we find to a problem that allows us to connect to a feeling we are missing in our lives (for example, peace or joy), it’s a solution that only helps us cope, not heal, and has many negative side effects. Ayahuasca can present the opportunity for one to acknowledge and feel the pain these patterns are causing them and support them in consciously creating healthy patterns and habits that align with who they are.

Social Conditioning

Many of our ways of being and doing in life are passed down to us by our family, friends or society in general. People have lost touch with their own internal voice, they have become what others expect them to be and in this have stopped being true to themselves. Ayahuasca can reconnect people to their inner truth, regaining their sovereignty, freedom and aligning with how they choose to perceive and navigate life.

Over Stimulus 

Part of the Ayahuasca ‘dieta’ is withdrawing as much as possible from over stimulation. Humans are very sensitive beings and too much stimulation from food, drugs, work, pornography, Netflix etc can dis-regulate our nervous system, causing us to feel anxious and depressed. Media and social media also have a great impact on our behaviours, thoughts and emotions and the excess of mostly irrelevant information can be very damaging.


Similarly to fearing death, ayahuasca for grief can help people find acceptance, healing and understanding towards the death of a loved one. Some people are able to reconnect with the souls of loved ones who have crossed over, and others are able to safely feel their grief to completion and open themselves up to this heart expanding aspect of life. An experience like this has the potential to bring a lot of closure.


With the pace in which society is moving and the increasing pressures, responsibilities, worries people have in our modern society, it is no surprise that many people suffer from burnout. Ayahuasca can offer the chance to clear the slate, clearing any vibrations that don’t fully serve you and create more loving boundaries that best support you. It’s a chance to recharge, refresh.

Fear of Death

Many masters say the origin of all fear is the fear of death. This often subconscious fear can unconsciously run our lives, influencing the way we interact with the world around us. Many people have had ayahuasca hallucinations of near-death or ego death experiences, having this experience can help you face and dissolve this fear of the ‘unknown’ and make peace with the inevitable physical ending we all face as humans.

Weakened Immune System

Ayahuasca can be deeply detoxifying, this is why we ask participants to keep a healthy diet before the retreat, as it helps with this cleansing process. The process of detoxification is not only physically but also energetically, and people cleanse in many different ways, I.e. Shaking, crying, toning, laughing, and of course purging. This offers a fresh start for your body, mind and soul moving forward.


Ayahuasca as a treatment for PTSD is one of the most sought after benefits. There are many surveys that point out the benefits of this treatment for people suffering from PTSD, as it can help people overcome and process trauma, enabling them to move through it and heal from the situation.

Depression & Anxiety

There is evidence supporting the safety and therapeutic value of ayahuasca, dosed within an appropriate setting, to help treat anxiety & depression. After an ayahuasca ceremony, more than 80% of those subjects showed clinical improvements that persisted long term, showing significant reductions in depression and anxiety. Ayahuasca can support people in understanding where the root of their depression and anxiety is manifesting from and helps guide them to move beyond it and reconnect to their joy and peace.

Many studies have found that ayahuasca benefits the redistribution of immune cells helping the body fight disease more efficiently.


The Catalyst for Transformation

Improvements in Relationships

Relationships are a vital part of the human experience, we need and thrive from meaningful connection and intimacy. Ayahuasca can help you connect to, find empathy and develop heartfelt appreciation for the people in your life, supporting you to build stronger, healthier, loving and long lasting bonds.

Unleashing Your Potential

Ayahuasca has the potential of guiding you towards your unique gifts, dreams, goals and desires. It supports you in releasing the energies and beliefs that are holding you back from living from your highest expression, allowing you to shift your energy and take action towards what your heart truly desires.

Expansion of Consciousness

Ayahuasca has the potential to connect you to a different and broader perspective of life, reality and the universe. It can open doorways to deeper self awareness, allowing you to see and relate to life differently.


Are you lacking clarity on what decisions to make in life, which path to go down, not clear on what your purpose is? Ayahuasca can help you immerse into your higher self and find the answers that have always existed in the depths of your unconscious mind. It can put you in contact with the vibration you wish to live life from which untimely calls in and dictates the quality and direction of your life.

Inner Peace

Spiritual Awakening

Some may find it difficult to connect with their spiritual side but everybody has one, it’s just a question of re-discovering it. Ayahuasca can help you connect to the spiritual and infinite space we all hold within.

Enhanced Creativity

Ayahuasca can unleash the creative and artistic parts of your brain, it has been known to enhance neuroplasticity, creative inspiration and creative abilities.

Peace is not the absence of chaos, it’s an internal state of being accessible to all of us, and Ayahuasca can show us this. Finding peace is one of the most popular reasons our participants attend our retreats.

Healing is not only acknowledging and working through your challenges, it’s also about being willing to fully embrace the beauties of life, the essence of who you and who you came here to be. Stepping into your higher self unapologetically. Here are some other things you can connect to on this journey

Some of the most burning questions people have before attending an Ayahuasca retreat what is an ayahuasca ceremony like? What will the journey feel like? What should I expect? It is very important to take into account that every Ayahuasca experience is completely unique and personal to you. When you take Ayahuasca you are working with a highly intelligent plant spirit that has the ability to see deeply into your mind, emotional body, fears, traumas, personal blueprint, heart and soul. All of these factors will gracefully shape your experiences and for this reason there is no way to exactly predict the unfolding of one’s journey. One of the keys to a great experience is not having expectations, as Ayahuasca can work best when we can release expectations and surrender to whatever wants to be revealed. Here is a video that briefly captures the feeling of our ceremonies:

What can I expect from an Ayahuasca Ceremony?

About Ayahuasca

This ancient medicinal brew has its origins in Peru and all over the Amazon. It’s a thick and brown tea, and it’s made with just two different plant materials, the Ayahuasca Vine and the Caapi leaf, both of these plant derivatives only grow in the rainforest and are grown, harvested and cooked with the utmost love and intention. At the Conscious Hub we only offer the highest quality medicine, our medicine specifically comes from a trusted family friend in Peru and is the same medicine used by the native Sapibo tribe. Ayahuasca medicine has been used for various purposes and has been used throughout the centuries for healing and activating our emotional, energetic, and spiritual bodies. Just as modern medicine has excelled in treating the physical causes of illness and accidents, plant medicine - in particular, ayahuasca, offers a chance to get at the emotional, energetic, and spiritual roots of dis-ease by opening channels of communication to our subconscious inner landscapes.

The plant medicine knowledge of spiritual dimensions and beings has been scientifically removed from our belief system. Only through the study of older cultures have we been reminded of ancestral wisdom that we are all spirits. At a spiritual level we are capable of much more than we could ever imagine. By experiencing this and learning and then integrating who we are, we can expand the boundaries of our true potential. We have the power to heal ourselves and bring back balance to our reality through the use of plant medicine.

Ayahuasca is referred to as a feminine plant spirit, because people have stated the energy and voice of this intelligence is presented as female. It differs from other psychedelic medicine as it is also referred to as “mother ayahuasca” who for many is presented as a sort of ‘tour guide’ of their journey. Her plant spirit can speak to you directly and give you clear guidance / downloads on how to improve your quality of life as well as offer energy clearing.
The experience will go beyond language and beyond what you can put into words, as words are limited compared to what can be experienced. Many say a ceremony is like ten years of therapy in a night. You may also learn that all you have perceived with your five senses and assimilated by your mind is not the full spectrum of reality.

It’s also important to know that what you see and hear from the divine/infinite may not be exactly what you ‘want’ but what you need. People have been known to have extremely wonderful experiences, and also challenging ones. Ayahuasca has the ability to unveil parts of ourselves that perhaps were hidden in the shadows, that want to be healed and brought to the light of consciousness. This medicine has the ability to take us back to past experiences and view them from a higher perspective. It also has the ability to connect you to a love beyond comprehension, and put you in touch with deeper realities of life and self, helping you discover a new sense of inspiration and eagerness about your life. There is nothing more fulfilling than witnessing the transformation and seeing people leave a retreat with love, peace and joy in their hearts.

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a short summary of how we prepare for ceremony, step by step.

Space cleansing & protection

After sunset, our facilitators will cleanse the space and each of the participants in the room. The smoke created by burning sacred herbs is to purify the body and soul, as well as calling spiritual protection and blessings into the ceremony space.

Rapé ceremony

Dried tobacco powder helps to quiet and centre the mind, helping you enter a meditative state. It can also stimulate the pineal gland (responsible for having visions), deepening the connection with Ayahuasca.

Drinking the Ayahuasca

Each participant will be called up to the altar one by one and offered the medicine. Each cup will be blessed with the purest intention by the shaman/facilitator to set the tone for your journey ahead. After you have drunk the medicine you will be offered some water to wash it down and you can return to your mattress.  


A space of silence is left after drinking the first cup of Ayahuasca to connect deeper with the plant and feel its first effects.

The effects of Ayahuasca

There are a range of different effects you can experience from Ayahuasca and they vary for each individual. Your feelings and sensations may be amplified, you may have visuals in the form of colours, shapes and people. You should also be aware that you may also experience purging. A common side effect is vomiting and diarrhoea. It is important to embrace these effects as a part of the detoxification and cleansing that the ceremony offers. 

Medicine music, sacred sounds and ícaros

The facilitators and musicians begin performing music that is designed to support the effects of the medicine and guide each individual on their journey.

Second cup. The opportunity to drink more medicine.

All participants will have the option to drink a second time and more if they wish. For some this is a gateway to journey deeper.

Closing of the ceremony

When the facilitators feel the time is right (usually around six hours later) the ceremony will formally close. At this time the participants usually go to sleep. Should you not feel ready to leave the ceremony space a facilitator will stay with you.