Hey, We’re Colin & Ariana

A couple in sacred union and the energy behind Conscious Hub. We have been partners in love for over a decade and birthed Conscious Hub together as a vessel to express our path of divine service in 2017. Conscious Hub was founded to create a space that supports inner evolution and holistic healing. Weaving together a range of different healing modalities, plant medicines, modern and ancient wisdom to assist groups and individuals in their personal process of self-discovery. Together with our amazing Conscious Hub Team, we are committed to sharing our gifts, guidance and experience to support others on their journey of healing and shining their own unique light.

More on us

Between us we have navigated through many layers of inner work, healing childhood trauma, relational dynamics, shedding layers of the ego, moving through edges / resistance, as well as embracing the loving, aliveness and fullness of who we are. This type of work is done not just for the benefit of self, but for the benefit of all. As when each of us takes responsibility for ourself and our own healing, it sends ripples out to our friends, family, communities and the world. It is our intention to be of service to the conscious awakening of humanity, supporting people in transforming their life from the inside out. We are here to assist those who are open and ready to know themselves, unbecoming who they are not to be who they truly are. We are two fully certified Conscious Breathwork Facilitators & Coaches that work with ancestral remedies and shamanic medicine ceremonies to bring great healing and transformation into people’s lives. Something unique about our work is that we offer both the masculine and feminine energies when holding space, providing an authoritative yet nurturing energy that supports our clients in developing these energies within themselves. Together we create an authentic and loving space for shifts to unfold on many levels. We guide others with compassion to release emotional, physical, spiritual and mental blockages through deep energy work, while also having a lot of fun in the process!

Meet Ariana

Ariana is a Ceremonial Musician that uses the modality of sound swell as her voice for alchemy and healing. As a facilitator Ariana bring her big heart, warmth and sincerity to create a safe and inviting container for inner exploration and dialogue grounded in authenticity and love. guiding you to drop you in to your own heart, welcome it all in and supporting you in amplifying who you truly are. Ariana is dedicated to creating a space where each individual feels empowered to shine, embracing play, joy, and self-discovery of your hearts deepest desires. It’s in her greatest joy to weave her love and passions into all Conscious Hub offerings.

Meet Colin

With a background and degree in Coaching, Colin has always been deeply passionate about supporting people in bettering their quality of life. After experiencing profound healing in his own life through plant-medicine and healing practices, Colin is passionate about creating a world where ayahuasca and psychoactive plants can be used legally and safely. After going through a two-year+ legal battle and a roller coaster of a journey they officially changed the precedents of Ayahuasca in the province of Cadiź (Spain). We know that this clearing alone will have a tremendous impact on the lives of dozens of people and the medicine keepers of the world. Over his many years of experience it has been his honour and service to diligently create sacred spaces in which these ancestral medicines can be served for the purpose of profound healing and transformation. He works intuitively to tune into each individual and what it is they uniquely need in that moment helping them to understand their mystical experiences and integrate the lessons into their everyday life.

We feel deeply honoured to be able to hold space for the full spectrum of your light, your dark, your projections, your challenges, your traumas, your epiphanies and your infinite nature. Holding a safe space for the full spectrum of you to unfold. Holding all parts of you with compassion and love, supporting you in understanding, moving through and ultimately loving all parts of yourself too.

Ways to work with us

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Join our full-spectrum retreat program designed to quantum leap your healing and growth. With the conscious use of Ayahuasca our all inclusive retreat offers the support you need for deep and lasting transformation in your life. Journey with us in the montains of Andalusia for in the words of our previous participants a “life changing” 4 days.

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Medicine Mentorship

Our 2:1 Medicine Mentorship container is the most intimate, consistent, and personal way to work with us. A container where all our tools, trained modalities, and knowledge come together to co-create a potent container that is deeply personal to your needs, desires, highest expression, and life vision.

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Get plugged into the frequency of expansion through one of courses design to support your evolution, up level your reality and frequency. In our expanding library of courses you’ll find classes on spiritual alignment, peak experience integration, conscious relationship, love & leadership.