Medicine Mentorship

With Colin & Ariana

"Your intuition guides you towards your exploration. Your journey, your dreams, your pain, and what excites you are not random — They are messengers of purpose and potential, leading you to what's possible. It's your medicine and it's time to unlock and embrace its power."

Our 2:1 Medicine Mentorship container is the most intimate, consistent, and personal way to work with us. A container where all our tools, trained modalities, and knowledge come together to co-create a potent container that is deeply personal to your needs, desires, highest expression, and life vision. This work is for the person who is ready to wholeheartedly commit to themselves and dive into their depths with us to dismantle the beliefs, programs, thoughts that have been keeping them stuck. It’s for the person ready for the integration and embodiment of their soul. This is a space where you will receive shifts in perspectives, profound insights. A space where your alignment can take root in your life and become you. We are here to guide, love, support, and empower you in your evolution. Our 2:1 coaching is an honest, fun, and deep portal where we hold your multidimensionality. This is deep soul work and requires our full presence. This is for those who are ready to consistently work on themselves, held in love and accountability by us, in order to make changes and transformations they desire in their life.

Peak Experience Integration

Whether you have come to one of our Ayahuasca retreats, had a profound journey exploring the pathways of healing through other psychedelics, or had a peak experience via Breathwork or another means, intentional integration is necessary. Some people walk away from peak experiences like these feeling like, 'Wow, that was a lot.' How can you find greater understanding and weave this into your life in a grounded, implementable way? It involves growing into new ways of being as you translate your insights into direct aligned action. It requires tools and practices to support your transformation so that new ways of being take root in your life and become a part of you. Real-world ways to work with your body, spirit, heart, and mind. We are here to guide, love, and support you in this evolution.

Conscious Relationships & Sacred Union

As a couple, conscious relationship and sacred union are something we are so passionate about and hold near and dear to our hearts. After spending over a decade together, we have had to navigate our fair share and rise. We embody what we teach and know what it takes for a relationship to flourish and thrive. The quality of your life is directly affected by the quality of your relationships. Together we create a safe and sacred place where the healing work that is necessary, yet hard to do on our own, can take place so that the relationship can become deeper, juicier, more fulfilling, more connected, and more graceful.

Quantum Leaps

With consistency in support, your nervous system can relax and expand. We want to support you in your vision, amplifying all that you are and came here to be / experience, bridging the gap between where you are and the embodied integration of your own unique medicine. There are many paths and spaces we will explore while working together, all bringing you towards a sustainable yet quantum leap of growth. We take a stand for your truth, holding the knowing that anything is possible for you, witnessing and inviting you into your soul's highest timeline.

The Pillars of your expansion we love to work with…

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With consistency in support, your nervous system can relax and expand. We want to support you in your vision, amplifying all that you are and came here to be / experience, bridging the gap between where you are and the embodied integration of your own unique medicine. There are many paths and spaces we will explore while working together, all bringing you towards a sustainable yet quantum leap of growth. We take a stand for your truth, holding the knowing that anything is possible for you, witnessing and inviting you into your soul's highest timeline.
Think weekly calls with integrative spiritual coaching, tailored somatic experiences, conscious breathwork journeys, all to support you in understanding your unique blueprint, revealing any blind spots that want to be worked on, and allowing you to access you.

Within you lies your unique medicine, are you ready to dive in?