
Read about the profound and heartfelt experiences shared by those who have walked this path before you. Their stories of awakening and transformation offer a glimpse into the sacred journeys that await.

Colin & Ariana's retreat is exactly what a journey like this should be like. They have priceless wealth of experience, psychological insight, intuition, wisdom, deep love and care for you. The space they create feels intensely safe and supportive so you can let go and allow the experience to carry you into new realms. All the facilitators are fantastic, holding you, sharing with you while you take a life changing experience closer to your authentic self. Above all they have integrity and sincerity. The integration sessions were invaluable and as powerful as the plant process itself. The breath work and cacao ceremony enhance the healing sensation and I loved how the retreat ended on a joyous, light hearted note to counterbalance the intensity of the previous 2 nights. The villa was beautifully set on a mountaintop in nature - clean, very comfortable with ample bedrooms and bathrooms, a lovely living area, kitchen, terrace, pool and gardens. The food was freshly cooked, vegan, wholesome and delicious. A perfect ayahuasca healing retreat. I would not look anywhere else now but return to them whenever I have the calling

Ruth, UK

I attended Ariana and Colin's retreat in Andalucia, Spain. I had never used ayahuasca before and was apprehensive about the whole thing: Would it work? Would I lose my mind? What kind of people would attend? Would it be all thrill seekers or very damaged people? Could the place really be as nice as it looked in the photos?

Everything about the retreat exceeded my expectations. The organizers were so accommodating and caring, the food was really delicious, the accommodation and setting were perfect for the program. The group was so kind, engaging, honest, and considerate of one another. Colin and Ariana set a great tone for how to interact with each another and the group really ran with it. 

The ceremonies were well prepared for and managed. The group felt really well looked after throughout. Overall a really transformational experience and one I'll never forget.

Michael, Ireland

It’s hard to put into words the experience and it’s unique for everyone, but I do know my expectations were far exceeded. I received so much clarity about life, my intentions and going forward and this was assisted by a team of people with the biggest hearts and the most beautiful energy. The actual Ayahuasca was unforgettable but also the integration was so important in making sense of the experience. This was a key component for me and really helped clarify and synchronise everything that came up. The other wonderful experience was conscious breathwork which surprised me and was incredibly healing and was an extra gift in understanding myself and reality! Colin and Ariana were experienced and professional but also made the journey fun and intriguing with their insight and wisdom. The way in which the workshops were run was such an essential part to the experience, I am so grateful to the whole team of facilitators; loving, caring and so adept. The space was genuine, thoughtful and safe with an abundance of support from the team but also all the participants who connected so well and made the journey even more valuable and relevant. I also need to mention the fabulous food and incredible Icarus singing from Ariana. Weeks after the retreat I can still feel the mind shift and life-affirming connections I experienced. If Ayahuasca is calling you, I highly recommend you choose Conscious Hub to guide you.

Miranda, Spain

Colin & Ariana are so talented in what they do. They hold the space with such compassion & love. They have the innate ability to make you feel supported & safe, guiding you through your journey every step of the way. Often times navigating this landscape can be daunting, but not with these beautiful souls as your guides. Sergio brings authentic spirit & an additional warmth & depth to the experience. The food as well as helping to heal you is also ridiculously delicious!! I’m so glad that my path led me to meet them. My life is richer and my heart is forever grateful that it did.

Lisa, UK

I’ve tried many things for my PTSD/substance usage. Nothing was ever as impactful as this retreat. An eye opening and healing experience with the most wonderful environment, food, and people. I truly can’t explain the experience in full.. it’s something you need to experience yourself.

Annelise, USA

This retreat is the perfect combination of absolutely everything needed for those who wish to heal deeply. I was ready to step forward into a better me. I was committed to my healing journey and determined to release some deep rooted trauma. The results have totally exceeded my expectations. My life has been transformed. I finally feel like my spirited, energetic, full of life, self once more. I felt so safe with Ariana and Colin to really go deep. As a result my life has taken on a different meaning and perspective. I feel so very grateful to Ariana, Colin, the rest of the team and my fellow souls on the retreat. What a group of amazing people. Highly recommend this to everyone.

Hayley, UK

Lesley, UK

Everything was perfect from the moment I walked through the doors, from the candles and incense burning in every room, the open real fireplace, the food, was beyond anything I have ever experienced before. So healing and nourishing. The Venue and location was more than perfect. 

Colin and Ariana were the perfect hosts and medicine space holders. I felt totally safe and comfortable through every part of the experience. It was beautiful to meet and bond with such like minded souls who I have no doubt I will go on to stay great friends with in the future. Journeying with the medicine is a very scared and personal journey I felt held and supported every step of the way. This work changes lives and opens up new worlds of possibilities. To experience everyone's breakthroughs after each ceremony was truly humbling at the same time inspirational and without Colin and Ariana this magic wouldn't be possible. They both have so much knowledge and wisdom to offer and share with the world. I highly recommend if your interested in working with this medicine this is the place and the people you need to journey with.

I will definitely be returning when I get the call again from the scared mother Aya. Thank you both for allowing me this space to fully allow myself to be seen.

Ahmed, Saudi Arabia

I believe that this retreat is the best option for people trying plant medicine for the first time. Colin and Ariana have been very supportive and their approach is nothing short of perfection. As someone who has been thinking of trying ayahuasca for a year, I always had some doubt about what would it be like to go through the experience and how will be able to handle it. They and the team have been giving their support and insights through the whole duration of the retreat, which helped in dealing with some intense parts of the experience. Overall, I would recommend this retreat for people planning to experience mother Aya in a safe and supportive environment. 

Margareta, Sweden 

The retreat and ceremonies with Ariana and Colin together with their supporting team was just fantastic! The beautiful house in the Gaucin mountains, the food, the music, the songs, the ceremonies. And most of all, your loving care and presence. What more to say! I am very grateful I got the opportunity, curiosity and health to go through these days. Thank you! 

Charlie, Spain

The experience was life changing. It helped me heal on physical, mental and emotional levels. Colin & Ariana are true professionals, with a great knowledge of their area, and are very loving and caring people, which is important as this experience can be very personally challenging. This level of care goes for the other assistance present also who are equally great. Colin & Ariana are wise beyond their years. I want to do this again one day and I would not want to do it with anyone else. Highly recommended to those who are called to it

Carolin, Germany 

Choosing healing with The Conscious Hub was the best decision of my life. Honestly I went through the most scaring moments of my life during my first Ayahuasca Retreat, nevertheless I felt more than safe and held by Ariana, Colin and their facilitators Sergio, Dean, Cellene & Sally. Every single ceremony was really professional and profound, the knowledge and wisdom of everyone there holding space is unbelievable and deep. Through all this, there was so much love, respect and harmony between and for everyone from the very first second. I think I don’t need to mention, that of course the vegan food and the accommodation was on point as well… I found several new family members in only 4 days and will be back definitely soon!

Thank you so so much for everything! 

Dimitrios, Greece 

The team is amazing and their program was beyond my expectations. I thought I needed to go to Peru to have a genuine experience, but I was wrong. I participated in this Ayahuasca retreat and without hesitation I strongly recommend Conscious Hub for anyone who's looking for healing and answers. The place where the ceremony took place was fantastic, everything was clean and in a good order and the food was amazing! The live music that the team plays during the ceremony is a true pandemonium, ecstatic, it helped me and the rest of the participants on our journey. All the team were ready to accommodate our needs during and after the ceremonies. Also, the Breathwork exercise + the Cacao Ceremony that we had after Ayahuasca (the following days) was exactly what I needed. Like I said their program is amazing! From the bottom of my heart, I thank each of you personally, I will definitely be back! See you soon! 

Jenny, UK

This experience was more than I could ever have asked for. I felt ready to go on the ayahuasca journey but was quite nervous going in. I felt so supported, held and seen over the course of the four days, and am so grateful for everyone in the team and everyone else who made this journey what it was. The setting, music, food, structure, discussions and ceremonies were all perfect. This retreat has changed my life, and I wouldn't hesitate in recommending the experience to anyone who feels a calling.


A truly life-changing and inspiring experience. I learned so much about myself and how love can truly help navigate the gulf between self and inner critic. Beautiful surrounding, well thought through program where I felt safe, cared for and guided. All the team have a genuine desire to help in every way possible with your journey. A whole hearted thank you

Klaudia, Norway

There is no words that could describe how grateful I am for the opportunity to be a part of this profound journey. A journey that shook me up, squeezed tons of tears out of me and allowed me to reconnect with my feelings. People I met during the retreat will forever remain my family. I have never experienced so much love in my life as during these 4 beautiful days. It's been three months now and I still feel deeply connected with the group and the medicine. Ayahuasca allowed me to go through the painful experiences from my childhood once again. The wounds reopened in order to heal properly. Now I like to describe my life as before and after Ayahuasca. It was the first, but not the last time. When I will feel the medicine is calling me again, I'll go back to Ariana and Collin, and reunite with my family. I deeply recommend Conscious hub. I believe that every single person that participate retreat become my family at the soul level. I would like to thank Ariana, Collin, Cellene, Dean, Sally Sergio and rest of the group for being a part of my healing.

Emily, UK

Everything about the Ayahuasca retreat was breathtaking. From the beginning to the end of the process I felt like I was taken care of from a place of love and reverence. The Ayahuasca ceremony was one of the most life changing events of my life and one I will never forget. Months later, I have integrated all the lessons I learnt from the ceremonies into my life and my life has really changed for the better. I could not recommend Ariana and Colin as your facilitators highly enough. Them, as well as the wonderful team makes your stay and experience blissful and magical. I will feel forever grateful to have undertaken this experience and would love to do it again in the future when mother Ayahuasca calls me again! 

Niraj, UK

If you feel ready to take part in an Ayahuasca retreat I would with no hesitation recommend Conscious Hub. Colin and Ariana and the team worked so hard to create the right environment where everyone was really cared for and looked after. The focus on integration and creating an environment of support and empathy was so key to the experience. The venue was perfect and well suited to the ceremony, the food was nutritious and tasty, and the fellow attendees went from strangers to like family in just a few days. I'm grateful to have attended and been able to meet the amazing people I did.

Alexandre, France

It happens sometimes in life that we feel lost. Our mind, confused by stress, causes us more problems than it solves. We struggle to find meaning in our lives. We are caught in a hellish race to nowhere and when we ask where we are going, no one can answer us. Even more surprisingly, no one asks the question. 
In this chaos, I felt like I wasn't even myself. Chained in the conditionings of society, I had the deep feeling that my behaviours diverged from my deepest nature. Faced with this existential void, modern medicine has little answer. 

It was by chance that I watched a report on Ayahuasca. This report, and the few articles I had read on the subject, praised the capacity of ayahuasca to give new perspectives, free oneself from conditioning, and gain clarity. This therapy seemed promising and adapted to my needs but I was far away from understanding how it operates... 

This is when I stumbled upon conscious hub website. I was attracted by the sumptuous place rented for the retreat. I faced many hesitations before booking. The price, the risk of taking ayahuasca, I was also thinking that I should go to Peru for a more authentic experience. My mental was trying to prevent me from taking the plunge. The first 2:1 meeting with Ariana and Colin was decisive in taking the leap of faith. During this session, I could feel their experience, their devotion, and their sincerity. I felt understood. 
I'm so grateful for finding the courage to do this retreat, it was life-changing. The experience I had was priceless and all my doubts were swept away by the professionalism, kindness, and devotion of the five facilitators supervising the retreat. So much intelligence and love are put into the conception of this retreat, which results in a multi-dimensional and multi-sensorial experience that lay the perfect environment for healing and spiritual awakening. 

We have been conditioned to believe, by occidental medicine, that if we find the right chemical substance we could cure our health problems. I went to the retreat with this belief in mind. I thought Ayahuasca was this magic substance that would fix my mind. Ayahuasca won't fix your mind, it will open it. It will show you the way. Ayahuasca is just a tool. A wonderful and powerful tool to awaken consciousness, admittedly, but just a tool after all. During this retreat, you'll be introduced to a variety of other tools to elevate your consciousness. However, this retreat goes ways beyond those tools, just like the construction of a house goes beyond the hammer and the saw. Ayahuasca is to the mind what a wrecking ball is to a construction site. It will help you break your old patterns by making you experience physically your mental. You'll gain new insight and you'll integrate some knowledge into your body that you rejected before. You'll then have proper ground to build your new house.

This is where the magic of the retreat begins. Not only the retreat will help you break free from old patterns, but it will also help you see new perspectives and will give you the tools to build your new house. For four days, you'll be part of a community with the same aspiration as you. You'll be there for others and others will be there for you. You'll experience how life is in its pure authentic essence. You'll experience what it feels like to be welcome as you are, without judgment. The space, created by Ariana and Colin, will take you in its arms with the love of a mother. You'll feel at home in a foreign country with strangers. 

To end this letter, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to the facilitators: Ariana, Colin, Dean, Cellene Sergio and Sally. Thanks for your presence, your support, and your love. You guys carry so much wisdom, it was a true honour sharing this experience with you. 
Thanks to holistic kitchens for the delicious vegan food. I never imagined that vegan food could be so good. I'm still trying to reproduce the recipes as of today.

Niraj, UK

If you feel ready to take part in an Ayahuasca retreat I would with no hesitation recommend Conscious Hub. Colin and Ariana and the team worked so hard to create the right environment where everyone was really cared for and looked after. The focus on integration and creating an environment of support and empathy was so key to the experience. The venue was perfect and well suited to the ceremony, the food was nutritious and tasty, and the fellow attendees went from strangers to like family in just a few days. I'm grateful to have attended and been able to meet the amazing people I did.

Gemma, UK

Colin, Ariana and the whole team are amazing. The detail, care and thought they put into this retreat is very special. I feel so lucky and blessed that I was part of such a wonderful, eye opening and transformative experience. My heart is full and I'm very excited to integrate what I learned moving forward in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Debbie, Spain

If you are reading this it's probably because Plant Medicine is calling you. I highly recommend doing it and Colin and Ariana run a beautiful, professional, authentic retreat that feels safe and caring. They are all so talented in what they do. I arrived unmotivated, eaten up with guilt and depression and I left feeling free and super excited about my future. I recommend it highly to those who are brave enough to really want to fix their broken bits or improve themselves. And you will really make lifelong bonds with others. I did try to over research the subject but it's not an option in the case of ayahuasca. Ayahuasca will give you what you need personally. No more and no less. Good luck on your journey!

Veronica, Switzerland

It was a deeply healing and transformative experience. For the first time in a long time I felt safe enough to drop the armour and be vulnerable and fully experience fear and pain and also connection and love, to myself and to the people around me. Ariana, Colin, Sergio and the rest of the team are really experienced and highly skilled and they supported each of us at each step with love, wisdom, kindness and empathy. I felt protected and loved and this gave me the strength I needed to face what I had to face to start my healing journey. I can absolutely recommend the experience! 

Marleen, Netherlands

Thanks to this Ayahuasca retreat I’ve found answers on questions I’ve had for many years. I’ve found my truth and was able to speak out my greatest desire (which I didn’t even know before). The number of ayahuasca ceremonies (2) was just perfect. It gave time to dive deep and to get closure. There’s such a safe space where I felt loved so much, which is the best base for ayahuasca ceremonies if you ask me. There’s so much respect from either the guides as well as the other participants. I would say I left as a different person, but I didn’t: I left as the same person, but with much more calmness, answers, love, peace, breath & gentleness and that is amazing I would say!! Thank you so so much for everything. I truly felt part of the family.

Alice, UK

I cannot recommend Colin, Ariana, and the whole Conscious Hub team highly enough. I felt so safe and supported from the moment I had my first call with them. Colin and Ariana are wise beyond their years, I have learnt so much from them and from the experience with the medicine. The location of the retreat is just perfect, and every detail was considered. The facilities were great, the food was delicious and the timetable was well thought through. The journey with the medicine is powerful and intense, but during the ceremonies I really felt so held by a family unit, because I was! These are not just people who work together, they are a family working together to do really deep and powerful work. On top of that, Ariana's voice is so beautiful and served as such an anchor throughout the journey. Sitting outside on the balcony in the light of the full moon, after one of the ceremonies, might just be one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced. The integration and breathwork sessions also felt so integral to the experience. The decision about where to go to take the journey with the medicine is a highly personal one, but I'm very glad I trusted my intuition and took part in the retreat with Colin and Ariana. Thank you so much! I hope to be back in the future.

Ken, Portugal

The retreat was an incredible life changing experience. I was a bit apprehensive about doing Ayahuasca but that changed when I talked to Colin and Ariana, they were very friendly and supportive from the start. Everything about the retreat was fantastic...the love showed by the team, the venue was amazing with unreal views of the Andalusian mountains, the food was wholesome and delicious, the music was perfect and the schedule was ideal. I have learned so much on this experience and I am forever grateful for the love, support and wisdom shown by Colin, Ariana and the team. I am already looking forward to my next retreat. I would highly recommend this retreat to anyone looking to experience this amazing plant medicine! 

João, Netherlands

Conscious Hub is a safe, beautiful environment for anyone wishing to understand themselves deeply. The whole team is composed of genuinely kind, honest people that will support you in your journey all the way. They are clear subject matter experts, more than willing to help you dealing with your whole spectrum of emotions. I cannot recommend it highly enough, as they are a breath of fresh air in a sea of pointless social enterprises. If you're ready to take on this journey, look no further, you've found it! 

 Claryn, UK

This retreat has opened my heart to love and healed me in every possible way. I felt I shifted the ancestral trauma that had lived inside me throughout, even before, my life. It's made me feel lighter and more focused. It's shifted my relationship with myself, how I see myself and how I now need to meet life. Ariana, Colin and the rest of the team are the most incredible human beings who are able to hold such intensities of emotions and energies so beautifully, safely and lovingly that it blows my mind every time I think about it. Never had I felt so seen, loved and accepted unconditionally. I owe them a lot to my healing journey and will treasure them, my amazing fellow healers and the experience forever - forever in my heart. Thank you, all of you, I love you so much xxx

Annelise, USA

This is my second time attending this retreat. All I can say is that it's worth every single penny and then some. To say that it's "life-changing" is an understatement. I've felt like a whole new person after each retreat. I finally feel some joy and happiness in my life. Each facilitator is filled with love, knowledge, and experience. Ayahuasca is a powerful medicine and I've seen them handle a variety of Ayahuasca experiences with grace. If you want somewhere that you'll feel safe, supported, and loved, I highly recommend this retreat. They not only guide you through the experience but assure that you're well taken care of afterwards. They leave you with resources and keep their door open so you know you're not alone in your journey. This retreat will change your life for the better.


I spent the most magical 4 days with Colin & Ariana and their wonderful team of spiritual healers. The ceremonies were intense, yet deeply insightful. They forced me to look inside and confront my fears, and taught me the beauty of surrender. I recommend this retreat for anyone looking for deep spiritual healing and guidance. You’ll leave feeling an abundance of love for yourself and others.


The experience I had on this retreat is one of the most profound experiences of my life. My outlook on everything has changed and I feel I live every day more consciously that I did before. I have more clarity and I feel so much love and gratitude. The team are so supportive. They held so much space for all of us no matter what we were dealing with. I felt such and abundance of love from them and in turn I felt for them also. The food and accommodation was beautiful with the most stunning views. I didn't want to leave. I have already passed on the details to many of of my friends and would definitely return in the future.


Conscious Hub has provided unimaginable potent therapy and healing through the power of plant medicine, breathwork, cacao ceremony, rapé, yoga, delicious foods, music, integration, group, location and facilitators with great professionalism, expertise and experience. Each tool mentioned are powerful individually. Yet, Conscious Hub beautifully orchestrated these instruments of profound healing and enhanced their combined power. The structure of the program played a huge role for this enablement. Having a flexible and adaptable approach with warm, grounded and supportive facilitators, illuminating vibrant energy and pure love, opened for me a portal to the authentic self and truth. This is truly the most life changing experience I've had. The long list of psychological, physiological and spiritual benefits has and will continue to mold a delightful existence for self and others through a ripple effect. Since you're already reading this review, there is a likelihood that Ayahuasca has manifested in your intuition and path. I do then sincerely and wholeheartedly recommend Conscious Hub. Ayahuasca can be humbling and is advised to be approached in a responsible and respectful manner. Thus, having a setting and frame that's safe and warm is vital. With this program you get just that and so much more! Infinite thanks and love to Ariana, Colin, Sergio, Dean, Celly, Sally our magical chefs, Benji, my wonderful group, Ayahuasca this priceless gift of healing and growth.


If you are considering doing an Ayahuasca retreat, then call off the search. The Conscious Hub uses a multidimensional approach that caters for all searchers of enlightenment, encompassing a fortune of knowledge, support and positive energy to guide you along the way. Colin and Ariana are truly gorgeous earth angels and they’ve managed to attract other blessed souls to help them deliver this incredible life changing experience. The lessons, people and the laughs I will hold on to forever


When I stepped on the doorstep of the beautiful retreat house I did not know what to expect. However, after experiencing everything, all I can tell you right now is: Brace yourself, your life is about to change.
A new world will be unveiled before you in just a few days. A world full of love, unity and compassion, enabling you to vibrate at the highest possible frequency. 

The road can be tough, Mother Ayahuasca will show what you need, not what you want, so be prepared to do the work. Be committed and confident. The lovely facilitators from Conscious Hub, truly amazing human beings, will be beside your every step of the way, making you feel supported, safe and loved. The attention to detail shown by everyone is truly amazing. From the delicious vegan food to the comfy rooms, from the lovely music and Ariana’s angelic voice to the extraordinary deep conversations and sessions we’ve had, from the beautiful picturesque view of the Spanish countryside to the warm, fireplace-lighted space of ceremony.
After the whole experience, I left the house feeling like I’ve known everyone for a lifetime, full of excitement about the future and ready to show the world the best version of myself. Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around. You can too :) 


When I booked this retreat, I had no idea how incredible this experience would be or how life can change within the space of a few days. To open up your mind and find the answers you've been looking for all these years. When you're trying to deal with your issues it can be hard to pin down what it is that's wrong or how to fix it. This experience puts you face to face with yourself and allows you to face trauma and process it. The team were amazing in creating a space where you can be safe and fully open up. Ariana with the love she brings and Colin with incredible insight and wisdom guide you through the experience. A massive thank you to the rest of the team Dean, Cellene, and Sergio who showed such love, care and selflessness during the 4 days. For anyone who is thinking about booking a retreat you can't go wrong booking with Conscious Hub. If you are nervous about booking it my advice would be to just concentrate on the next step in the process (i.e. booking your spot) and not the full retreat.


I would strongly reccomend this retreat to anyone who is feeling called to try the plant medicine. It was more challenging I expected, but Colin, Ariana and the other facilitators were excellent guides through the ceremony, and the intergration process afterwards. Activities outside of the main ceremony, including breathwork and the cacao ceremonies were the perfect complement to the experience. Oh, and the food was fantastic! I left the retreat with a clear direction for self development, and with a desire to come back to the plant medicine again at a later point in my healing journey. 

Melissa, Canada

I spent the most magical 4 days with Colin & Ariana and their wonderful team of spiritual healers. The ceremonies were intense, yet deeply insightful. They forced me to look inside and confront my fears, and taught me the beauty of surrender. 

I recommend this retreat for anyone looking for deep spiritual healing and guidance. You’ll leave feeling an abundance of love for yourself and others.

Ali, Dubai 

If you are reading this, you are already on your way to so much healing and life transformation, I can speak of my experience, I was able to let go of decades of hurt and pain that was holding me back, I can explain it this way: the insight received in 3 days was more profound than decades of therapy, this retreat allowed me to gain closure on some painful events and finally show me the path to happinesses, love and inner connection.

Clayton, UK

In short I attended the retreat with a very heavy and cluttered mind. The hideous chaos a first world environment promotes, over the years had taken its toll on my mind and soul, and as such I needed answers, and to reset completely. Colin and Ariana, 100% facilitated this transition, and quite simply my main objective was achieved. It really isn't an overstatement, when I say it has been life changing for me. I feel relaxed, stillness, and have clarity of mind. The relationship I have with my family has improved immensely, and the relationship with myself, too. To anyone stuck in the same rut as I was, I strongly urge you to contact Conscious Hub and discuss attending a retreat weekend. I promise, you will have no regrets.

Michael, USA

This was my first plant medicine experience, and wow, I was a divinely guided to the perfect one for me. The guidance from Colin and Ariana and Sergio (not to mention their loving facilitators), the breathtaking views in southern Spain, the artistic and wholesome vegan food, the friends...the deep breakthroughs. This retreat was very well organized and run. I host my own spiritual retreats and know what it takes to bring something like this to life. From the scents, to the beds, the pillows, the medicine, food, accommodation...it was all of the best quality, it was authentic, and truly aligned. Colin and Ariana bring so much love and profound wisdom to the group. I came with the desire to experience Oneness and love, and did indeed...mother aya showed me things through challenge and triumph in the ceremonies that have forever changed me. I am very grateful for having gone to this retreat.


I did a lot of searching online for a location to experience my first ayahuasca ceremony and as soon as I came across Ariana & Colin's website I knew it was for me. Seeing the location and venue online is what sold it for me and it did not disappoint in anyway. This combined with the knowledge, guidance, inspiration and love that Ariana & Colin (and the team) have to share with each participant creates a setting of safety and comfort that is hard to describe in words. I had no idea what to expect from the ceremonies but was instantly put at ease once I was saw how their knowledge and expertise guided you through the process. The integration sessions are powerful and thought provoking and the breathwork is something that truly blew my mind. I had no idea that we as humans had the power to achieve such a state of higher being. Everything from the hugs when you arrive to hugs when you leave and everything in between was behind my expectations. The food was also outstanding.


The whole experience was out of this world. I found out that I'm not alone in the journey ahead of me. The team looking after us was exceptional, companionate and with so much knowledge. The people who decided to share the amazing space with me were beautiful souls looking to find themselves in the Ayahuasca Retreat. It's a safe space where you can share your pain, happiness, doubts and joy! No words are enough to describe how everything felt, you need to be there to understand!


The whole programme is a transformation, a process and for everyone something positive is waiting on the other side. As part of the process I believe everyone will learn a lot about themselves, the universe, the connection, the power of love and breathing and of course mother ayahuasca. The support and love you will receive from the family will heal you and connect you to them and others in so many ways that whatever your experience is during the ceremonies a beautiful transformation is inevitable.

This is an authentic experience in a setting which really inspires you to be your higher self. The family are true healers and they have all the love and support you need to go through this.

Following the preparation as guided by the team as the best you can helps. I personally felt yoga and meditation, being vegetarian and no alcohol or drugs for 2-3 weeks was a great way to get into it. 

After searching a lot around in south of Spain and eventually finding this beautiful retreat, I 100% recommend this and whatever your journey its worth to connect with mother ayahuasca. Only good things will come out of this!


Thank you for showing me that perfection exists and how amazing life can be. I felt like the whole experience gave me everything I could have ever wished for and needed at every moment. The love from your family poured out and I felt so beautifully safe, cared for and it healed a huge part of my heart even receiving that. Let alone all the other magic. How everything was orchestrated was nothing short of genius, the authenticity and passion from everyone facilitating was inspiring and infused me with such ease. This will forever have a huge impact on my life and I am excited to experience the shifts going forward. I am aware of some very big stories that have been healed and I wonder what else. I had sat with Ayahuasca a few times before but never in such a beautiful setting, in luxury, with such gifted, musical, open hearted souls. Pure bliss, I feel totally spoilt and floating along in my dream world. Thank you!!


We were a group of 7 entrepreneurs (average age: 45) of whom only 1 had prior experience with plant medicine, and most did not know what to expect. Colin and Ariana and Dean and Cecile and Sergio and Sally were incredibly gentle in helping us prepare for our journeys, manage our experience, and then process the results of what we experienced. While our individual journeys varied greatly (some had a subtle experience while for others it was absolutely life changing), all of us rated the experience a 10 out of 10. Personally my intention was for greater clarity and understanding of what was blocking my path to achieve what I wanted. It was an intense, sometimes scary, but ultimately an incredibly rewarding experience. After the 3 day retreat I feel that I have much deeper understanding on how to live more consciously and how to love more deeply. The immediate impact of this extends to my wife and young children, and I feel that our family will have been forever changed by my experience.


I cannot put into words how magical these past couple of days have been. Deeply insightful, healing, full of love. I am beyond grateful to have had this opportunity. Colin, Ariana and the whole team are amazing at what they do, holding so much space and love for each and everyone who enters. I could not have felt more safe and supported on my journey, from the moment we first connected, to the depths of the ceremonies, to the moment we left and now after. I was so nervous going in, to the unknown, but the whole time I felt so safe, understood, loved. Everything was perfection, from the location and accommodation, to the food, the ceremonies; aya, breath work, cacao, integration: the live music… I didn’t want it to end! A massive thank you to the whole team for everything and to my the fellow beautiful people who I will hold deeply in my heart forever. I would highly recommend this experience to everyone!


As soon as I arrived at the villa, it gives you a whole system relief, it’s beautiful, being greeted at the door was like returning home to my family. Every detail was carefully crafted to make me feel so welcome, cared for and genuinely appreciated for coming. I was a little apprehensive as I’ve previously had experiences where my body moved by itself but every part of Colin and Ariana’s reassurance that they can hold whatever anyone brings made me feel excited to not have to worry at all. The ceremonies were mind blowing, the voice of Ariana was like an angel, Cellene’s drumming complimenting on another kind of level of music that I cannot even explain and the whole family singing, bringing their gifts to support and hold us through the depths of where we went to was out of this world. Kind of literally. This will forever leave an imprint on me. I cannot recommend this enough, you will be held so safely, the experience of the family is profound and the sacred space they create attunes you to absolute magic.


This retreat has change my entire life. I could not dreamed about a better place to do this incredible professional people from service to a loving hand when u needed it. I already miss them and the group so much and I know that everyone that get the possibility to come there will think the same. Total life changing and do this with my mother hand in hand was so magical. All love to you, u are the best you have learned me more this days that my hole life together I don’t know how I can be more grateful. I am so full with love.


I came into this experience with a specific aspect of my life I was hoping to gain insight into — Ayahuasca delivered what I was looking for and so much more. The ceremonies were transformative and we gained a strong bond with the people who shared this journey. This is a place where you can be truly yourself without the fear of being judged. It was the most amazing and strange experience at the same time, to go through such profound happiness and joy, as well as fear and panic, it is so hard to explain. The healing and love I received will forever be in my heart. This journey opened my heart and mind to new possibilities and a better future filled with love and hope. This place and these people are absolutely amazing. 
I cannot express enough gratitude to the facilitators, Ariana and Colin as well as Dean, Cellene, Sergio and Sally. I felt deeply cared for and supported throughout my experience and I am unbelievably thankful. I will be back again for sure, as the journey has just began for me.


I recently attended my first ceremony at this stunning place. One of the main highlights were the people who are there to look after you. Every single one of them could not be any more caring, loving and supportive. Outside the ceremony there is humour and friendly conversations however, when the time came for the medicine, all the team were so professional and their experience really shone through many times. I always felt like i was in good hands. The property itself was beautiful, i have never seen views like them. The food was unbelievable! I never imagined food that healthy could be so tasty. I really could not pick any fault with this experience if i tried. I had a beautIful first time experience whilst feeling very supported and looked after. What more could i have asked for! Ps. If you can get a massage- get one! You will not regret it.


I was researching Ayahuasca retreats for a while and when I found Conscious Hub, I knew straight away, this was the retreat for me! Once I arrived, I felt very safe, love, kindness and good energy. The house is gorgeous, in a very calm and nice location with a breathtaking view. The Ayahuasca ceremonies were very powerful, amazing music and Ariana has a voice of an Angel. A big Thank you to Ariana, Colin, Dean, Cellene, Sergio and Sally, you are amazing and beautiful souls. Thanks as well to Danielle for the delicious food that she cooked for us every day with so much love and passion. The connection to the group was also very special and I will treasure this powerful journey forever in my heart. I have a strong feeling that I will be back for deeper work and connection in the future.


This retreat was beyond my expectations and much more than an "Ayahuasca Ceremony". It was truly a retreat weekend, with thoughtful touches at every turn. There is a very warm, intuitive and attentive team, led by the magical Ariana and Colin, attending to all of your needs during both of the Aya Ceremonies. They assist you to the bathroom or through an emotional moment during the Aya Ceremonies. They laid out clear expectations prior to the ceremonies, which made me feel safe and at ease. Someone from the team was also right there when I had a huge release during deep breath work that we did as a group. I was extremely trepidatious going into the whole weekend, but was blown away at the whole 4 days. The discussions after the ceremonies were invaluable, the additional ceremonies, breath work, and group bonding times with all 10 guests on the retreat, was also magical, valuable and the perfect touch. The vegan food was amazing! The space and attached property were beautiful and inviting. I was not even done with the retreat and I found myself emailing a friend to ask if she'd join me next time, because I knew I wanted to return and continue this journey with Ariana, Colin, the team and Mother Aya. Hands down, and with ease and confidence, I can recommend this retreat. Much love to the whole team in Malaga.


The perfect place for a first time participant, the location felt and was extremely safe and the care and support from the facilitators made the environment feel ‘like home’ or even better in terms of the incredible scenery from the lemon and orange trees, a sight to marvel at, to the view of the mountains and the full moon, the accommodation was beyond luxurious with spiritual elements, fantastic artwork, and impressive architecture of the tall roof and the uniquely shaped windows, the house had a soul of it’s own that welcomed us with open arms. 
The welcome from the facilitators was delightful and warm. The rhythm of all the activities/ itinerary was well thought of, allowing for a seamless experience, everything flowing naturally, from the physical activities to the energy levels. The ceremonies were led by the team which seemed to be in perfect harmony and synchronicity with each other, as if invisible strings connected them all. Ariana’s artistic and musical talent is beyond description, ‘the voice of an angel’ is not close to doing it justice. I feel honoured that I was able to hear those divine sounds and instruments even once in this lifetime, as it has been a surrendering surprise.
The attention to detail was in everything, from the intentional and flavourful meals, presented beautifully, to the Integration Circles, which held a safe and loving space for inner healing, no matter the wound. 

Overall, an unforgettable, positive experience that I will treasure, as I reflect on everything it’s given me, with so much gentleness, understanding, and love.


A truly transformative experience, a beautiful space, filled with love, insight and skill. Everything exceeded my expectations, the quality of the journey, the food, the facilitators. I would definitely recommend it and will do it again in the future. Thank you so much Ariana, Colin and the team!


I would very much recommend this retreat for anyone interested in having their first experience with Ayahuasca. The Conscious Hub Team are a really lovely group of people and nothing was too much trouble. A lot of effort and attention to detail was put into making this a safe and well supported experience, which I really appreciated as a first timer. The effect of the Ayahuasca, breath-work, and Cacao ceremonies overlapped really nicely and by the end of the last ceremony I was feeling love and gratitude more deeply than I had ever felt before. I definitely will return in the future. 


It was an incredible experience visiting the retreat. I think a lot of was were nervous as 9 out of 10 were first timers. The staff took so good care of us, we all felt very safe. I had some profound insights about life, and I think the team did an absolutely tremendous job in helping to support us via the integration sessions, to maximise the impact on "normal" life.


If you are contemplating a journey of self-exploration, then look no further than the Conscious Hub team. Colin, Ariana and their loving family of supporting facilitators have tailored an amazing retreat program in a beautiful setting, that gives participants an opportunity to tap into their higher self and is truly a life changing experience. Take the next step and invest into yourself, your soul will be grateful! 


This experience exceeded my expectations. I think everything from the location of the retreat at La Posada Romana, the number of participants, the sessions and the food being served was well thought out. There's almost a 1-to-1 ratio of facilitators to participants so there is a focus on personalised attention and you know you're being taken care of. Apart from that, Colin, Ariana, Sergio, Dean, Cellene, Sally and Zarah were all amazing human beings. They bring in a lot of positive energy into the whole experience. I'd do it again in a heartbeat 


Something stood out for me about this retreat from the moment I started comparing different options. The setting and the way the information was presented felt super special and whatever my expectations of this experience were before, they were surpassed at every single turn. 

The team's personality, individuality, attention to detail, care, compassion, support, skills, humour, knowledge and professionalism completely blew me away from our first email exchange and zoom call to the wave goodbye as our taxi pulled away after the retreat. 

This retreat challenged us in lots of different ways. We experienced difficulty, joy, lots of tears and even more laughter. Our group bonded quickly despite a wide range of intentions, ages and nationalities and I think so much of that can be put down to how we were all made to feel as individuals and collectively. 

The focus on discussion and integration was huge for all of us and allowed us to look at and process everything that was coming up during the Ayahuasca ceremonies and breathwork sessions. The respect shown to each element of the rituals from the rapè to the smells in the room to the fire to the music (which was from another world) was magnificent and added so much to the whole experience. In addition to this, the cacao ceremony felt very light and celebratory and our yoga session on the last morning before breakfast was a lovely way to wrap things up.

To Ariana, Colin, Dean, Caro, Celly, Sergio, Sally, Sean, our wonderful chefs, the housekeepers and the dogs - you are doing the most amazing thing for people and the way you do it is nothing short of magical. You elevate the possibilities for every single person who walks through your doors by your way of being and taking such care and pride in what you do. I will be eternally grateful for all that you showed me and all that I learned from you.


This retreat was everything I hoped it would be and more. Ariana and Colin are the epitome of a woman in her utmost divine feminine and a man in his utmost divine masculine. Working together, in perfect harmony, they create and hold a very safe space so lovingly and with immense wisdom.   

The beautiful spacious villa is perfect. As if it was were designed exactly for ayahuasca ceremonies. In complete isolation, with breathtaking views, it plays a vital part in the sacredness and magic of what is created. 

Their ultra talented shamanic team, including Ariana’s shaman family members, bring even more love and wisdom to proceedings - from creating the most incredible live music guiding the elegant and sacred ceremonies to producing the most delicious and nutritious banquets of the purest food suitable for everyone regardless of dietary needs. Even the spiritually guided deep-tissue massage was as powerful as the ayahuasca itself. 

If you’re called to do ayahuasca, I can’t begin to recommend this enough. A life-changing, sacred and beautiful healing experience awaits.


If you're thinking of going to a Ayahuasca retreat I can highly recommend this retreat with Ariana and Colin. They'll make sure to meet you where ever you are on your journey but they also guide you and in a very gentle way force you to challenge your ways and perspectives. My first night with Ayahuasca was the worst night of my life, but Ariana and Colin and the whole team were by my side the entire time, helping me through the night. They continued to support and guide me every minute needed the next day, picking up my pieces and helping me deal with my vulnerability which leaded to a whole new experience from breathwork and Ayahuasca the second night. I can not in words describe my gratitude for Ariana, Colin and the whole crew for this experience.


The decision to participate in this retreat was the best decision of my life. Colin, Ariana, and the team are the most loving, compassionate and caring people I have had the honour to meet. I can't thank them  enough for all the support and personal care I  received throughout the retreat. They are angels on earth whose mission is to spread love, compassion,  and happiness around. The ceremonies , the integration, the breath-work exercises are well- organized, magical, and really exceeded my expectations. The villa  is stunning, comfortable, and clean. The food is extraordinary, varied, and healthy. I really enjoyed my time there and I can't wait to be back for maybe a longer retreat. If you think of doing an Ayahuasca retreat and you found Colin and Ariana, then it means that Mother Ayahuasca loves you very much and wants you to have the time of your life. So do not hesitate, you certainly won't regret it! They will take good care of you!